Real Offer Guarantee

What is a “Real Offer” Guarantee? Well, what may sound a bit strange at first has a deeper background.

Due to the boom in the real estate market, many new businesses and business models have emerged in the real estate industry in recent years. Some of the business models work with offer types that you should question in order not to be disappointed in the end when you get paid less than you expected.

I would like to give you an overview of the different types of offers you can be confronted with when selling your property.

After reading through this article you will know the different types of offers and if necessary you can ask the buyer what kind of offer it is.

Real Offers

Real offers are characterized by the fact that exactly the property that is for sale is analyzed in detail and an offer is made based on various data. Among the data considered here are the location of the land, the type of land (vacant land, desert land, recreational land, agricultural land, timber land, etc.), the price at which similar land has been sold recently, the transportation accessibility, and much more.

For us, a “real offer” is when you, as the seller, can see exactly what amount will be credited to your account in the end. Clearly and distinctly. It is based on verifiable data and shows the fair offer price right the first time.

ExpressLandOffers sends you only Real Offers! We think this is the most straight forward and hassle free way for both of us.

Estimated Offers

Estimated offers are mostly created automatically based on data from the Internet and only give a rough indication of the price that will be paid in the end. If a seller advertises that they will provide their offer in a few minutes, it is always an automatically generated offer. Often the buyer will not analyze their property in detail until you have shown interest in selling.

An estimated offer can still be helpful to get a rough indication of the achievable selling price. However, estimated prices are often way off, both too high and too low. A renegotiation and close examination is mandatory in order to get a fair price.

Blind Offers

Blind offers are occasionally sent to property owners on a large scale. Often by mail. In most cases, the bid price does not match the amount ultimately paid out because the specific details of your property are not included. In some cases, the offer prices are deliberately too high in order to trade them down later. Even in this case you can get a reasonable offer in the end, but it is often more stressful compared to a “real offer”.
