There are plenty of tricks and upgrades that sellers and real estate agents can take advantage of to sell a home, but how do you upgrade a plot of land? How do you make it appealing to buyers? In this article you will get some pro tips on how to sell Portland, Oregon land fast and for a good price. These tips will give you a headstart and you can save a lot of time and marketing money when applying them right from the beginning.

Far too often we see the same large sign on a plot of land for months, and quite frankly, years at a time before a sale is made. That’s a long time for the seller to wait for the sale and a long time for agents to wait for the commission.
Market the land for all types of potential uses
You never know what will attract a buyer. Whether it be hunting, farming, energy farms or other types of investment land use.
Use video content to sell your Portland, Oregon land
In the world of easy access to endless amounts of information and media, videos seem to be getting the most attention. It’s much easier for someone to visualize themselves on the property if they can see a video that gives a brief tour of it. Nowadays, everything seems to be bought and sold online. And land is no exception. There are plenty of ways to sell your Portland Oregon land online and there are plenty of buyers out there that are looking to buy land using online resources. If you can take your buyer to the property without them getting in their car and traveling long distances then the better your chances are of selling your Portland, Oregon land.
Know the land you’re selling
If you’re looking to sell Portland, Oregon land, know as much as you can about the property before listing it. Check the county records and gather the zoning information, tax information, and just about anything else you can find. To get all this information, you can contact your county planning and zoning department or using a directory of county offices such as netronline. Having this information available when you sell your land in Portland, Oregon will allow you to list more information about the property as well as answer any questions that your potential buyers may have. Informed buyers are in a better position to buy land and it will make it much easier for them to make the decision to buy your land when they know what they are getting. One common trend with many of the land listings online is they don’t take the time to create a proper listing and leave out even the most basic information someone would want to know. If you want to sell your land fast and to get a fair offer for it it’s all about the way you present the property.
Get people’s attention
Exposure is everything. That’s no different when selling land. Getting more eyeballs on your property is the best way to sell any land property fast. This is especially true when it comes to rural land, where there is not a huge local market for properties. You will likely find a land buyer that is out of the area or potentially even out of state. This again comes back to creating quality content so your potential buyer can make a decision without having to actually see the property in person. Video footage, photos, and a compelling description of the property goes a long way in making a land buyer feel comfortable with making a purchase even if that property is being bought sight unseen. Which is often the case with rural land that is sold online. Once you’ve got yourself a solid listing the next step is getting that information distributed to as many places where people can see it as possible. Post your property on the various land listing websites such as Landwatch, Land and Farm, and Lands of America. Post your property on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, classifieds, and if you have video footage you can even post the land your selling on YouTube.
These are just a few quick tips on how to sell your land like a pro. Getting a fair price for your land is a matter of putting in the time and energy to create a solid listing and to get it in front of you target land buyer. There a number of resources that exist online that can help aid you in selling your land. Familiarizing yourself with your market is the first step in selling your land. See what good and bad listings look like and make sure yours looks as good or better than other properties on the market. And make sure your information and description is answering the right questions.
Show the land to the buyer
Always offer to ‘show’ the property to prospective buyers. It’s an obvious step for home sales, but some people neglect it for land sales because they believe there isn’t a lot to really show. That’s the difference between a strong seller and a poor one. To be a successful salesperson, you’re always selling. You want to show the buyer the property lines, and then, lead them out to see the neighborhood, local businesses and other aspects that could seal the deal.
Talk to builders who buy land
Contact builders who are already working nearby. If sales on their current land are going well, they may be interested in dedicating resources to your land.
Talk to neighbors personally
Many would love the opportunity to expand their own properties into the adjacent space, they just need a push to consider it.